This is a great product, and I used it years ago when it first came out. I am using this on a macbook with Mountain Lion, and I find that there is no way to increase the screen view to make it easier to read, which I ask developers to add in the next version.
Also, please add to the food database (the idea and ease of adding food is wonderful!!!) an auto recalculate for portion size. Unless I am doing it incorrectly, I enter a food, say 1 egg, and have the option to change quantities. While the quantities may change in my entry to 2 eggs, no food value recalculates, and the instruction notes seem to suggest that I am to manually calculate each cell in the database. This needs to be, and can be easily, automated.
Otherwise, great program and wonderful way to keep bg in close view.
Fried Green Tomatillos about Diabetes Pilot