Excellent App.
Easy to understand, even easier to use. I can track my food intake / exercise regimen and see what’s working and what I might need to change. For a New Diagnosis it’s made it extremely easy for me to understand how this New Normal aspect of my life works and what I need to do to manage it. Bonus? Even my Dr was impressed. They were aware of tracking App’s but had never seen anything like this one before. During a visit, if they want to know how my sugar / carbs have been doing over the past few weeks? My phone has it. Graphed or listed.
The ONLY concern I have with this App is security/privacy. One thing that’s concerned me from the very beginning (Almost caused me to by-pass this App while searching for something I could use on my phone) is the back-up/sync method. Not sure what the platform requirements for the App are but, I can’t see ANY reason why link-cable synching/backup is NOT possible with this program. Synching over Wifi, while convenient, is simply not secure. ESPECIALLY over public / unfamiliar Wifi networks. Which is where someone who travels frequently might find themselves. Needing to back-up private, medical, information to a laptop but unable to cable-link to a device to do so. A completly secure cable link would solve this problem with optional Wifi link when trusted networks are available. This seems kind of obvious. So why Wifi ONLY?
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